Second, the states have immensely increased their issuance of general obligation bonds that fund what corporations strive to avoid& paying operating expenses with long-term debt. 第二,州级政府大幅增加了一般义务债券的发行,融资用途是企业所竭力避免的&即用长期债务偿付营运费用。
In 2008, Conn. Attorney General Richard Blumenthal sued the big three ratings agencies, citing several internal studies that suggested the companies were aware that municipal bonds were defaulting at a much lower rate than private issues. 2008年,康涅狄格州总检察长理查德•布卢门撒尔起诉了三大评级机构,援引一些内部研究,称这三家公司明知市政债券的违约率远低于企业债券。
The first type is the general obligation bonds that fund salaries and current expenses. 第一类是用于支付工资和当前费用的一般义务债券。
The general idea is to appropriately increase investment from the central budget for regular construction each year for several years while systematically decreasing the issuance of Treasury bonds, and at the same time ensuring that the size of the deficit remains at the current level. 总的考虑是,经过几年努力,在现有财政赤字规模不扩大的情况下,中央预算内经常性建设投资逐步增加到一定规模,同时逐步减少发行建设国债。
General Electric, which did not receive government funds but whose finance arm GE Capital has issued billions of dollars in FDIC-backed and non-guaranteed bonds, said it would continue to raise funds through both sources. 通用电气(GE)虽未获政府资金,但其金融子公司通用电气金融(GECapital)已发行数十亿美元FDIC担保债券和无担保债券。通用电气表示,它将继续通过上述两条渠道筹集资金。
By issuing the IOUs for what is considered non-priority payments, including vendor bills and tax refunds, the state is taking steps to ensure debt service on California's nearly$ 70bn in general obligations bonds, Douglas Offerman, an analyst at Fitch, said. 惠誉分析师道格拉斯奥弗曼(DouglasOfferman)表示,通过为卖方账单和退税等被视为非优先支付签发欠条,加州正在采取措施,确保近700亿美元一般义务债券的偿还。
The general interest rate, or the market price for bonds; §一般利率,或债券的市场价;
General Obligation bonds are backed by the "full faith and credit" of the issuer. 普通债务债券由发行人的信用做保证。
In general, TBA-reactive material is produced in significant amounts only from fatty acids containing three or more double bonds. 一般来说,只有从包含三个或更多双键的脂肪酸中才能产生有效量的tba-反应物质。
She has argued that the policy amounts to an unfair tax on savers, in general, and the old, in particular, undermines pension plans, and distorts the market for long-term government bonds. 她表示,低利率政策等于是对所有储户、尤其是年长者征收的一项不公平的税收,它会削弱养老金计划,扭曲长期政府债券市场。
The general flight away from risky assets also hurt US stocks, but bonds rallied as investors put money into the relative safety of government debt. 资金从各种风险资产逃离的举动,也对美国股票造成了损害,但美国债券有所反弹,投资者把钱投入相对安全的政府债券。
For general bonds we based on the actual rate of bad debts, for those special bonds which potentially be bad debts we consider the possibilty to settle, to calculate the amount that can't be settled. 对于一般债券根据呆帐实际发生率,有呆帐危险的特别债权分别考量其回收可能性,来计算可能无法回收的金额。
A general term applied to all shares, debentures, notes, bills, government and semi-government bonds etc. 对股票、企业债券、单据、票据、政府债券等的总称。
Part 1: The general introduction of convertible bonds. 第一章:可转换公司债券概述。
After detailed look into modes of duration and convexity, this paper introduces the general investment portfolio theories and illustrating examples about single bond, bond portfolios consisting of two bonds, bond investment strategies in funds management. 在较为详细的讨论了久期和凸性的理论之后,本文介绍了债券组合的一般策略并以单个债券、简单债券组合和基金管理中的债券组合为例进行了分析。
Finally, this paper analyzed synthetically the general characteristic and existing problems of the yield curve of government bonds in our country according to the foregoing demonstrative results. 最后,本文根据前面的实证结果,综合分析了我国国债收益率曲线的总体特征及其存在的问题。
As a kind of corporate bonds, Exchangeable bonds have basic legal characters as the same with general corporate bonds. 作为公司债券的一种,可交换公司债券具备一般公司债券的基本法律特征,同时又极富个性,具有债权性、期权性、股权性有机结合的特点。
Furthermore, due to the general lability of Zn complexes the formation of coordination bonds is reversible which enables metal ions and ligands to rearrange during the process of polymerization to give highly ordered network structures. 此外,由于锌的配位聚合物普遍存在的不稳定性,配位键的形成过程是可逆的,这就使金属离子和配体在聚合过程中发生重新排列,得到更高规则度的网络结构。
In general, the bond credit ratings and the financing costs of issuing bonds is a negative correlation. 一般而言,债券资信等级与发行债券的融资成本呈负相关。
But some company financing theories canceled one or several assumptions in the ideal capital market, and find that under the general conditions, the financing methods had the important influence on the company value, this conclusion can be expanded to convertible bonds. 但是一些考虑因素更多的公司财务理论取消了理想市场中的一个或多个假设,结果发现在一般情况下,融资方式对公司价值有着重要影响,这一结论可以推广到可转换债券。
First, it is a bond and has the general characteristics of bonds. For the purposes of issuing company, It can be used as financing instruments; For investors, It is an investment tool with periodic interest payments. 首先它是一种债券,它具有一般债券的特征:对于发行公司而言,它可以作为筹资工具;对于投资者而言,它是一种投资工具并且定期支付利息,到期之后还本付息。